Project website

The project

REPROBUS (Reactive Processes Ruling the Ozone Budget in the Stratosphere) is a Chemical Transport Model that describes the stratospheric chemistry by means of 55 chemical species and 147 chemical reactions. Heterogeneous chemistry on Polar Stratospheric Clouds and liquid aerosol is also implemented in the model REPROBUS wind and temperature fields are forced every 3 hours by the ECMWF analysis, available on the 137 vertical levels of ECMWF/IFS between the surface and about 80 km. The chemical timestep is 15 minutes. REPROBUS is integrated in near real-time (t+24h) and its results are available every day.

Products available

  • Maps of chemical fields calculated by REPROBUS on day D-1, 11 maps : O3, N2O, HCl, ClONO2, NOx (= NO + NO2), ClOx (= Cl + ClO + 2xCl2O2), NO2, HNO3 (gas phase), O3loss (cumulative ozone loss since the beginning of winter), BrOx (= Br + BrO + BrCl + HOBr + HBr), PSC on three isentropic levels (435K, 475K, 550K). Maps are produced between December and March for Northern Hemisphere and between May and November for Southern Hemisphere. Maps access is open and free.

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Typologie de projet :Tools and software
