What services?

AERIS: a Data and Services Centre

AERIS is more than just a data centre offering open access to all atmospheric data of interest to the national scientific community; it is also intended to provide this community with new related services.

The tools and resources provided by AERIS aim to help users discover, access, employ and process data and to assist them in managing their observations and measurements.

This portfolio of services can be customized for applications through the AERIS Call for Projects.

Among the main services that AERIS offers are:

  • A catalogue providing one-stop access to all data and products managed by AERIS. The catalogue’s selection criteria enable heterogeneous and complementary datasets to be matched while offering a broad picture of available products.
  • An original campaign support service through a dedicated website that:
    • serves operational/real-time needs during the survey campaign
    • provides a full post-survey archive
    • archives information related to the campaign (reports, flight plans, etc.)
  • A website hosting service for projects subject to the call for projects. Websites can be set up for individual projects, types of observation or survey campaigns, and regularly updated.
  • Development and operation of processing chains to scale up processes designed in the laboratory and enable regular production to compile long time series of data.
  • Online tools to extract satellite data in the vicinity of ground stations and enable comparisons, as well as a downloadable toolbox for manipulation and analysis of satellite data, for example to register data from different missions and reformat products or re-project them on the same reference grid.
  • AERIS can help you to draw up a data management plan. Do not hesitate to ask for it via the contact form
